Čedomir Antić
O autoru
Čedomir Antić (1974, Beograd) vanredni je profesor na Odeljenju istorije Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu. Objavio je dvadeset naučnih monografija i knjiga, te četrdeset pet radova u naučnim časopisima. Među njegovim knjigama su i Ralph Paget: A Diplomat in Serbia (2006), Neutrality as Independence: Great Britain, Serbia and the Crimean War (2007), Neizabrana saveznica: Velika Britanija i Srbija u Prvom svetskom ratu (2012), Uvod u istorijske studije (2017). Autor je istorijske sinteze Istorija Republike Srpske, objavljene u tri izdanja 2015. i 2016. godine. Njegova sinteza srpske istorije Kratka istorije Srbije, koja je prerasla u Srpsku istoriju, objavljena je u deset izdanja na srpskom, slovenačkom i engleskom jeziku (The History of Serbia, Laguna 2018, 2019, 2020). Autor je jednog od najtiražnijih udžbenika istorije – Istorija 7 za osnovnu školu (koji se objavljuje od 2012. godine). Dobitnik je nagrade Severnoameričkog udruženja za srpske studije (NAASS) za 2006. godinu.
Čedomir Antić was born in Belgrade in 1974 and has graduated from the Department of History at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade (1999). He holds an MA degree in Contemporary History from the University of Bristol (2002) as well as an MA degree in Modern History of Serbia (2003) from the University of Belgrade (2003). In 2008 he was awarded his PhD in History from the University of Belgrade after having submitted his thesis titled Great Britain and Serbia during the Great War. He specializes in British-Serbian relations in the 19th and 20th century.
He has published 19 books, including Ralph Paget: A Diplomat in Serbia (2006) and Neutrality as Independence: Great Britain, Serbia and the Crimean War (2007), The Unchosen Ally: Great Britain and Serbia in the great War (in Serbian, 2012), The History of the Republic of Srpska (2015) and An Introduction to Historical Studies (in Serbian 2017). He is the 2006 laureate of the prize awarded by the North American Society for Serbian Studies (NASSS).
Čedomir Antić is employed as a teacher at the History Department of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade.
He lives in Belgrade.
He has published 19 books, including Ralph Paget: A Diplomat in Serbia (2006) and Neutrality as Independence: Great Britain, Serbia and the Crimean War (2007), The Unchosen Ally: Great Britain and Serbia in the great War (in Serbian, 2012), The History of the Republic of Srpska (2015) and An Introduction to Historical Studies (in Serbian 2017). He is the 2006 laureate of the prize awarded by the North American Society for Serbian Studies (NASSS).
Čedomir Antić is employed as a teacher at the History Department of the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade.
He lives in Belgrade.