A Midsummer Night's Dream

Vilijam Šekspir


99.00 RSD

Ova knjiga je dostupna u okviru EDEN Premium paketa

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A must for interested in Shakespeare and theater, and one of Bard's most popular and widely performed comic plays. Set in Athens, the plot follows two couples of young lovers: Lysander and Hermia on the one hand, Demetrius and Helena on the other. Hermia wants to marry Lysander but her father, Aegeus, intends her for Demetrius, with whom Helena is in love. Lysander and Hermia flee into the forest, pursued by Demetrius, himself pursued by Helena. Meanwhile, Oberon, king of the fairies, ordered Puck to pour a potion on the eyelids of his wife, Titania. But Puck makes an error while love potions start to affect everyone in the forest…

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