Building better cultures: Key lessons for leaders and HR
Dragana Mitrić - Aćimović
1390.00 RSD
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“Culture eats strategy for breakfast” – said famous management consultant Peter Drucker when speaking about how important true company culture was for organizational success. But do we know how to create that culture, the one that will take us and our company the furthest? How do we strategically look after culture?
The book Building Better Cultures: Key Lessons for Leaders and HR utilizes a good mix of practical company examples and experiences, accessibly presented theories, and tools for working on culture to provide answers to some important questions:
Whose job is culture management and what does it entail?
How does company culture exhibit its power and when will it work for us?
What are the requirements for successfully managing culture?
Who are the partners in culture management?
How do we diagnose what our company culture is like?
Where to begin with changing culture for the better?
How do we define company purpose and values, and coordinate our practices with them?
What does a culture of the future look like and how do we create it?
Više informacija
Godina prvog izdanja:
Cena štampanog izdanja: RSD
Broj strana:
Izdavač: Culture Impact
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